The REN is a Fundación Santa María la Real project that aims to promote the transfer of innovative actions from European organisations to the national context by tackling unemployment and social exclusion in rural areas.
The REN is made up of 5 Spanish autonomous public bodies (co-financers and knowledge replicators) and European non-profit entities (Role Models), in addition to other European social entities, universities and companies that share the same focus: the fight against unemployment and social exclusion in rural areas.
The Network is a space for exchange, transfer and cooperation that aims to promote innovative projects and actions, that have been successful in other European countries, in order to promote social and employment inclusion in rural areas.
The REN is financed as a transnational cooperation project by the European Social Fund in Spain, within the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Social Economy, in its Priority area 7. The project is also co-financed, among others, by the Diputación de Palencia, the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, the Servicio Extremeño Público de Empleo (SEXPE) and the Servicio Público de Empleo de Asturias.

In the REN coordination team we work with a collaborative approach, promoting the detection of social innovation needs and problems and seeking for integrative solutions and collaboration from all agents involved in the issue. We use digital and interactive collaboration methodologies that ensure an efficient transfer between territories and agents in order to implement initiatives, with open licensed resources.
- We create a space for different actors from public and private sectors, companies, social entities, organisations, universities and public administrations to connect with each other
- We promote and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices
- We identify and publish resources of European interest
- By collaborating with European REN Role Model members, we design, transfer and promote their good practices for the benefit of Spanish co-funding partners (replicators) in order to improve the employability of people living in rural areas, reduce unemployment rates, improve social inclusion and reduce poverty in rural and transition areas
- We organise training sessions with experts from all over Europe
- We promote the visibility of REN members actions and projects.
What role can my organization have in the REN?

Joining the REN is free. Members will benefit from all of the Network’s sponsored actions and initiatives, such as:
Connecting with agents from all over Europe working for the same common goal: employability, development and social inclusion in rural areas.
Being part of the Learning Community and attending trainings developed by experts.
Participating in open thematic events.
Visibility of your actions and projects.
Access to European resources and information on the ecosystem.
Generation of synergies with other European Union actors.
Whether a public or private actor, if your goal is to promote development, employment, entrepreneurship and social inclusion in rural and transition areas, you would benefit from joining the REN.
You can join as a Member of the network or be elegible to be a Good Practice to be transfered into the Spanish territory (Role Models). Good Practices at the European level will be analyzed for replication in Spain, will held study visits, and will be eager to transfer their methodology to Spanish partners (Replicators).
Contact the REN coordination team through the following form letting us know if you want to be Role Model or Member of the network, and we will contact you as soon as possible.